Saturday, March 7, 2009

Potty Training and more...

Mia filled out her first potty chart last week. She was dying to go back to Chuck E. Cheese since she went with her cousins last month, so we took her there once it was full. She's done great....although everyday can different, she'll be super excited to go somedays and others...not so much. We are so proud of her progress though and know she is trying really hard. She is hilarious because we jump up and down and clap each time she goes, so when she sees us go "potty" she'll do the same thing and say, "Good job Mommy/Daddy!", like it was our first time.

Mac is getting sweeter and cuter everyday. He smiles and coos a lot! He can still cry LOUD and can get pretty mad in his car seat, but he's already sleeping through the night (knock on wood) so I can't complain too much. On a good day I can get them both down for a nap and get a few afternoon z's, myself.


Clare said...

Oh Lees your little ones are so stinkin' cute! I can't believe that Mia is old enough to be potty how time does fly! I so would love to get together sometime, we live close enough that we could totally make it happen!

Lindsey said...

Hooray for Mia!! I love the potty chart. That's what worked for Jenna too. Sometimes I think potty training is harder on the parents than the child :)
Good job!

The Jimmy Harry Family said...

Good Job Mia! And Mac you are so darling! I love his eyes!. Good photography Lisa!

Steph said...

Mia-will you come to our house and teach Ava how to go potty?

You babies are so beautiful Lees, I love checking in on your blog and seeing their sweet lil' faces.