Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Pictures!

I finally wiped the dust off of my Nikon and took some pictures of the kids. Mia is my cheesy little poser and always has a smile for the camera. Mac, on the other hand, is hard to capture (think "wild goose chase"). I did get a couple of his cute little face though!

Sloan was napping while the I took the other pictures, but here he is in his chair with his typical face- a sweet little smile! This little guy is such a sweet little chill baby. We love, love, love him so much! Half of the time I don't know when he really wakes up because he will hang out in his crib (with out making a peep) forever. He doesn't mind the carseat anymore so life is GOOD!

We went to the neighborhood park and they finally got a toddler swing. This is what these two LIVE for!

And here is Sloaney just hanging out.


The Jimmy Harry Family said...

Such cute pictures Lisa! You have the most adorable kids. Lots of love


Brianne said...

Your kids are adorable! You are also quite the photographer. Very talented!

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