After some inspiring General Conference talks...Jeff packed a lunch and the Xterra with blankets, the stroller, my rollerblades and his long board (surfboard? No! He wishes! It was his skateboard). We headed to West Seattle and parked at the boat launch on Alki Beach. After some yummy sandwiches, snap peas and blueberries we got our gear together and took off down the sweet boardwalk that has the best view of downtown Seattle. (And yes, my husband is nearing 30 and still rides a skateboard. If you saw the smile on his face you'd swear he was 15 again.)
As if this wasn't a perfect day already...we drove through the cute "beach town" and found the nicest little park on the water. We saw a little swing and had to stop!
Mia had a great time running around, petting a few dogs and riding on her daddy's shoulders. We decided this was our new favorite spot and will have to come back often.